At Juan Espadafor Aerodrome (LEJE) near Granada, Andalucia in Southern Spain Hour-Building.com has a Socara Morane Saulnier Rallye MS-893-A available to rent to Time Builders and lease for Glider Towing and Banner Towing.
The aircraft is the perfect plane to spend time building as it is very stable to fly and is capable of take-off and landing on short airstrips.
This is a comfortable four-seater aircraft with good visibility from the cockpit.
It is a very capable tug aircraft with its sister aircraft fully engaged in Glider towing in Ocana near Madrid with the Aeroclub de Ocana.
The SOCATA Rallye is a light aircraft that was manufactured by French aviation company SOCATA. It was originally developed during the 1950s by French aircraft manufacturer Morane-Saulnier as the MS.880
If you are interested in flying the Socata contact www.hour-building.com at info@hour-building.com