Flying is no longer a mystery! especially after Wilbur and Orville Wright made four brief flights at Kitty Hawk with their first powered aircraft... since then we continue to grow and explore.
Nevertheless, we always have to re-adapt, respect, and follow the SOPs... since you will be flying, and most probably for the first time in southern Spain, we would like to suggest you some local flight initially to familiarize yourself with comms, VFR procedures, and the local area.

“Flying is no longer a mystery, nevertheless we suggest to use your first flights to familiarise yourself in the local area”
On arrival, aside from the operations briefing, you will be given a local brief, highlighting the comms procedures, VFR reporting points when entering, transiting, or leaving CTRs
Depending on the Airport you choose to fly
If you are using Cordoba, we would like to suggest a VFR departure via W point, 2500ft following the railroad tracks, you will observe a unique castle over the hill, from there on a heading of 190 for about 10 minutes, you will locate yourself in the area of Ecija, where you can feel comfortable to climb visually and perform some maneuvers to connect with the airplane. Return is easy, follow the highway north eastbound until you meet the railroad tracks again, follow them to W point and arrive to LEBA.
If you are using Trebujena, depart to the north, stay east of the river, climb 2500 ft and contact Sevilla App on 128.50, request a local VFR flight, not above 2500FT in W area.
The terrain is so flat that makes your first flight so easy to do... when feeling ready, return to Trebujena by requesting a frequency change to 123.325 and follow the local procedures.
If you are using Granada *LEJE *LEGR, Sevilla *LEZL or Jerez *LEJR as a base, we can suggest you some local routes during our first briefing.