Liv is training to become and Commercial Pilot and joined Clifford Marker on a flight back to the UK. The route took them from Hour-Building.com's HQ in Juan Espadafor Aerodrome (LEJE) near Granada, Andalucia to Valladolid (LEVD) to Saucats Airfield (LFCS) which is a new operational base for Hour-Building.com from the end of October. We stayed the night in Bordeaux. Italian meal and early night for the remainder of the trip which was to Tours (LFOT) for a customs check and then onto North Weald (EGSX) where we are based in the UK with Weald Aviation and Academy Aviation.
Live completed two of the four legs. Got some good experience of flying in different countries.
If you would like to do some time building in Europe visit www.hour-building.com
You can also see the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFp0OvFrp6k&t=3s