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Ferry Pilots are Always Required!

G-BOOL C172 Ferried from North Weald to Jerez spain
G-BOOL C172 Ferry Pilot

We're always moving aircraft around Europe. Whether it's from one of our bases like Granada to Bordeaux or as far afield as North Weald (Essex, UK) to Jerez (Spain).

Planes are moved for operational reasons or on behalf of our Partner MROAVIATION for aircraft painting, upgrading, or routine maintenance.

Experienced Pilot Clifford Marker accompanies every flight acting as Safety Pilot allowing you as Pilot in Command to gain flying hours fast. On average, trips are around 10 hours and completed over 2 days. We pride ourselves on safety first so always believe that two pilots are better than one.

Donnie the Terrier rescued by and featured on Bargain loving brits in the sun
Donnie the Terrier Rescued by Ferry Pilots

Trips are sometimes late notice within days but larger jobs are normally one month in advance. So, If you are flexible and love adventure why not jump on board and register yourself as interested?

You could even get involved in recuse missions! like little Donnie here, who we saved from certain death to find his forever home in Alicante - This Rescue Mission is to be shown on the television show 'Bargain Loving Brits in The Sun.'

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Mailing List can be found at the bottom of our webpage.

Flying a C172 from the Uk to Spain
C172 G-BOOL to be ferried to Jerez

Learn to fly in the mountains as a ferry pilot
Flying in the Pyrenees mountains

Ferry animals around europe in a plane.
Ferrying animals around europe


Parent Company

Marker Air Ltd

56 Bracken Drive

Chigwell, Essex IG7 5RD

Company No. 15610392

Spanish Office

Marker Blofeld SL

Granada, SPAIN


© 2025 Marker Air Ltd 


+34   628 638 040

+44 7539 833 852 

Email: is a partnership with Marker Air Ltd

Contact Us -  We aim to reply within the day, if you have not heard from us, please first check your junk mail.

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